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History of Pop/Rock Music online course
History of Pop/Rock Music
Online Course
Enjoy over 20 hours of engaging content and a comprehensive curriculum, all available for a five-month consecutive period.
Get startedgrade 10 needed
access to a computer
over 100 artists and their breakthrough number one hits
music in the digital age
1 on 1 Instruction online guiding you through the curriculum
Course Overview:
History of Pop Rock Music 1954 to 2005
Course Description:
This course delves into the rich history and evolution of rock music, beginning with the original sounds of 1950s rock and roll and tracing its metamorphosis into contemporary country. Students will explore the cultural, social, and technological factors that have shaped this musical journey, gaining insights into the lives and works of iconic artists, landmark albums, and influential musical movements.
Target Audience:
- Music lovers and enthusiasts
- Musicians and performers
- Music history and culture students
- Aspiring professionals in the music industry
Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Identify key characteristics and elements of rock and roll.
- Analyze how rock music has changed and developed over time, focusing on stylistic, technological, and cultural influences.
- Understand the connections between rock music and broader societal changes.
- Compare and contrast different subgenres within rock, including their techniques, themes, and representative artists.
- Apply their understanding of rock's evolution in contemporary music making and appreciation.
"Keith’s credibility is evident through his history course. It covers events and songs from 1954-2005 that shaped the history of rock and roll and it’s metamorphosis into contemporary country. It is enjoyably informative."
Tristan Hrominchuk
Insurance Broker